Awesome book, the extreme poverty these people live in provides an interesting backdrop and the way Darren tells his story lets you imagine you are witnessing the tale unfold in person.
Name : Mike Simpson
Source : Amazon
Absolutely brilliant for a first time author.
It shows that it has been written from a truly life changing event.
I really enjoyed the way it entwined people, places and times to keep one guessing. There's no glorification of the life of the terribly poor in India. I wasn't expecting the ending.
Rating 4/5
Name : Steve
Source :
Just thought I'd write and say I thoroughly enjoyed your book. Loved the flavour of India that you managed to convey very effectively in the first part of it especially. Your characters and dialogue were believable and definitely involved me as the reader in wanting to know the outcome.
Probably my only (constructive I hope) criticism would be that I found it disconcerting as a reader to be flung into the (well what I saw as anyway) the 2nd part where you started in how the grandmother and grandfather got together etc. as that moved me too quickly from what was essentially a gritty real life encounter with a boy into a story constructed around the information you received from him. Also, I think that the motive behind Ajit's behaviour, what made him such a bad character (perhaps something to do with envy of a much loved saintly sister or something) would have added even more depth.
But having said all that, well done, the book is great. I'm glad I read it.
Rating n/a
Name : Anya
Source : via email
Darren is a friend of mine and I have not had the chance to read The boy and the bucket as yet but I have heard the outline of his story and have enjoyed what Darren has told me about his travels so far.It is however next on my TBR list and I am looking forward to reading it.
Thank you Darren for sharing your experiences with me as well as asking for my opinion on Indie Publishing before publishing your work! You have done an awesome job my friend!
Rating 5/5
Name : Kel Trevison
Source : Amazon
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